We are guests on the unceded ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok people of Tamal-liwa (what has come to be called Tomales Bay in Marin County). The Indigenous peoples here endured the devastating effects of colonialism: theft of land, genocide, forced assimilation, and disease. Despite these grave injustices, the Coast Miwok people continue to be in deep relationship with these lands and waters, as they have for millennia. Within this landscape—a living conversation between salt marsh, tidal flats, coast, and ridge; arrow grass, brown pelican, bay laurel, and redwood—Indigenous peoples carry forward generations of traditional knowledge and diverse ways of knowing. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have cared for it throughout the generations.

Our offices are located within the mosaic of forest, grassland, and marine ecosystems at the edge of Point Reyes National Seashore, in Northern California, a landscape formed by the ongoing tectonic activity of the San Andreas Fault.
Grounded in the spiritual values of service, interconnectedness, and reverence, Kalliopeia strives to be in deep relationship with the human and more-than-human world with whom we share this land.


We invite you to explore the following initiatives and grantee partners who are uplifting the forgotten histories, present-day stories, and future voices of our local community.
“Coming Home to the Cove: A Story of Family, Memory, and Stolen Land” is a three-part podcast series that follows a Coast Miwok family’s eviction from their ancestral home on a cove in Tomales Bay and Theresa Harlan’s effort to bring their living history back to the land.
Theresa Harlan advocates for the rematriation of the ancestral Coast Miwok / Támal-ko homelands of the Felix Family at Point Reyes National Seashore and engages in grassroots efforts to involve the wider community in protecting both the history and the future of this place through the nonprofit she founded, the Alliance for Felix Cove.
Language Keepers is a multimedia story and a Peabody Award–nominated podcast series that explores the struggle for Indigenous language survival and revitalization in California, delving into the current state of four Indigenous languages which are among the most vulnerable in the world: Tolowa Dee-ni’, Karuk, Wukchumni, and Kawaiisu.
Native Land Digital offers maps and tools that allow you to learn more about the Indigenous people in the lands you inhabit, and how to actively work toward a better future.
“Our ancestors, the beloveds, are calling to us,
and we call back, ‘We are coming home.’”